Regular moderate exercise can help reduce your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, and colon and breast cancer. It can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
Exercise can make you feel more energetic, help you sleep better reduce stress and anxiety and suppress your appetite. It can help relieve depression and, in women, reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. When you exercise regularly, you improve your muscle tone and bone strength. Good muscle tone and bone strength protect your tendon and ligaments from damage. Through regular exercise, your muscle become better able to use oxygen delivered through the blood – stream. Your heart and lungs become more efficient at taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon IV oxide.


The most important type of exercise is aerobic, or endurance training, which builds cardiovascular fitness. Aerobic exercise moves large muscle group in a rhythmic, continuous fashion over a period of time. During this type of exercise, your heart works harder to pump blood and your lungs to breathe deeply. Examples of aerobic exercise are running, bicycling, walking, aerobic dance, swimming and cross – country skiing.

Another type of exercise is weight-bearing exercise. Its termed weights bearing exercise because its exercise that involves working against the force of gravity. Weight bearing exercises build bone density, which helps prevent osteoporosis and broken bones later in life. Many aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, climbing stairs, and dancing, are also weight bearing. Others, such as swimming, cycling and rowing, aren’t.

Weight training builds strength and makes muscles larger. It may also increase flexibility because in involves motion. With this type of exercise, the muscle is developed as it tenses and relaxes. Weight training activities include exercises with free weight, some calisthenics, like push-ups, and working out with weight machines.

Isometric exercises are type of weight-training exercise. They build muscle strength by pushing against an object that doesn’t move. Isometric exercises can also be done by tensing a muscle and holding it tense for 10 seconds.
Weight-training exercises, especially isometric and heavy weight lifting, can raise blood pressure. Frequent repetition with lighter weight are less likely to increase blood pressure, talk to your Doctor before you begin weight training program.

A balance exercise program includes both aerobic (endurance) and weight (strength) training.


The idea of exercise program includes 20-60 minutes of vigorous activity three to five times a week. Even if you can’t exercise three to five times a week, any increase you can make in your activity may benefit you. Try to do something active for a total of at least 30 minutes daily. The activity can include everyday activities, such as gardening, house-cleaning or climbing of straits.

Health problems may affect your choice of activities. If you have healthy joints, you can do weight-bearing activities, such as walking, running, stairs climbing, basketball or tennis.
Answers to two major questions often asked before starting an exercise program

Question: Should I see a doctor before I start an exercise program?
Answer: A simple walking program is safe for nearly anyone at any age, unless you have arthritis or heart disease. Talk to your doctor before starting a more strenuous exercise program if you
Are a man over 40
Are a woman over 50
Have a heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, lung disease, arthritis or any other condition that might be worsened by exercise.
Are a heavy smoker.
Are overweight.
Haven’t exercise for many years.
Get breathless after simple activities such as climbing a few stairs.

Question: Do I need an exercise stress test?
Answer: You may need a exercise stress test before you begin an exercise regime if you:
Are older than 45
Have a family history of heart problems and are older than 35
Have other health problems, such as diabetes, lungs disease or a thyroid problem.
Are overweight, have an elevated cholesterol count and are 40 or older.
Have any unexplained chest pain or shortness of breath.

In addition, if you have back, hip, knee or ankle problems, choose activities that aren’t weight bearing, such as swimming, cycling, rowing, or exercises that can be done in a sitting or lying position. You may want to ask your doctor if you need to restrict your activities to those that aren’t weight bearing.

Don’t overlook brisk walking as an aerobic exercise. Walking doesn’t require any fancy equipment or complicated training. All you need is a good pair of shoes and a safe place to walk, such as your local shopping mall, the high school track or a community fitness trail. Walking isn’t as likely to cause injuries as some other activities, like running. Just be sure to maintain a brisk pace so you get the aerobic benefit.

When you decide to start your exercise program, follow these guidelines to make it easier and more effective.

1. Choose something you like doing. Is there an aerobic sport you’ve enjoyed in the past? If you can’t get excited about any sport, consider riding a stationary bike or walking on a treadmill while reading or watching TV. Listen to music on headphones while walking or running. Walking with a partner to make it fun.
2. Try to pick  two or three different activities. Doing the same exercise day after day may become boring. Plus, different activities will work different muscles and parts of your body.
3. Start slowly, at your own level of ability. Don’t overdo it. Many would be exercisers do too much quickly and experience too much fatigue and pain to continue.
4. Rest when you get tired or if you are injured.
5. Keep your routine simple. You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment or training to walk or run. A stationary bicycle in front of TV allows you to work out in the comfort of your home.
6. Figure out what time of day you prefer to exercise. Don’t exercise too soon after eating.
7. Make sure your program include activities you can do indoors when the rain, snow, or too hot or cold weather keeps you from going outside. Walking in a shopping mall, using home equipment (a jump rope or aerobic video isn’t expensive) or working out at the local “Y” or health club can fill in the gap when the weather doesn’t cooperate.
8. If you are a senior citizen, it may be best not to exercise alone because of the risk of failing.
Make stretching a part of your routine. Each exercise session should include at least a five-minutes stretching and warm up phase, followed by 15 – 20 minutes of activity. End each exercise session with a five – to 10- minutes stretching and cool down phase.

Note your progress. Keep a graph or chart of time you spent exercising and activity performed. Setting a goal for how long you will exercise or how far you will go can encourage you. Be careful about being overly competitive, even with yourself. Trying to do too much too soon increases your risk of injury.

How to Avoid Injuries When You Exercise

Wear supportive shoes that fit properly
Use safe, well-designed equipment.
Use proper techniques.
Stretch before and after activity
Don’t overwork your body
Don’t ignore aches and pains during or after exercise.

Exercise can become a family activities. Swimming, bicycling, skiing, tennis, walking, bowling, golf and even house work may be activities you can do with your family. You could do aerobic exercise with your family while watching a video in the TV room. Family exercise can also help family members improve communication with each other.
