Fate, Faith, Destiny, Humanity and My Country

Fate, Faith, Destiny, Humanity and My Country

Is it the fate of the majority people in this country to be poor? Are we destined to flourish?

FATE: Your overall circumstances or condition in life
DESTINY: Future course of events
FAITH: Belief in particular thing or person; religion; trust, confidence; loyalty.
HUMANITY: Quality of being humane

My Thought, My Opinion

God gave us everything in Nigeria to flourish as a country but unfortunately we are still far behind in term of infrastructure, education, security, power, etc. Am sure that no country in the world is as blessed as Nigeria.
Our land is excellent for agriculture, we are one of the top five petroleum producing countries, we have coal, gold, timber, cocoa, different tourist centres, rich in culture and etc.

Emphatically speaking, list of our blessing will take a page or more. We are also blessed with geniuses. Intelligent and brilliant people with unbelievable talents like Sole Soyinka, China Achebe, Asha, John Obi Mikel, Alex Iwobi and etc. The structure at which the country is sitting is the major obstacle to our development and deterrent to the progress of our talented people that we are blessed with.

The political office holders have programmed the youths to use for their benefits. There is no humanity in the leaders anymore. In the situation whereby youths are engaged to disturb peaceful election shows how lost we are as a country. We produce graduate youths every three months with no hope of employment. The bloodshed in the country is on the rise, robbery, rape, kidnapping and all sort of criminal acts are been perpetrated by the youths. Drug abuse is high beyond imagination because youths are idle. Where is the humanity of political office seekers? Where is the humanity in political office holders? Where is the humanity in the governance? Is this our fate? Or our destiny? Have we no faith? What does it require of a country to be great? Have we citizens not suffered enough?

This is a country where workers would be paid half salaries every 55 days. (Disenfranchised). We were asked to bear with them that its for a while. Later we discovered billions of dollars kept in the foreign account Mr R the father of Mr K. Mr. K was caught with tax payers money travelling to Dubai but his Father’s influential personality was brought to play and Vanguard Newspaper was scared away with threat of been sued. Its OK. But, sir, those that are going through hardship of half payment decision of yours, is it there destiny or their fate? Those that have lost their loved ones, how do you compensate them? Where is humanity? Where is your conscience?

There was a time that foreigners would pray for visa to visit Nigeria but today, the story is different. Nigerians are eager to cross the Mediterranean to Europe and not afraid of death.

Despite the brutal killings of Nigerians in Libya and South Africa, Nigerians are still willing to try their luck there. Is it a curse? In my opinion, Its not our fault but the structure. Democracy has not offered us anything meaningful since 1999. Our situation is getting worse every four years. This tenure is the worst of all and if nothing is done, our doomed would be sealed very soon. The price of food has skyrocketed, salaries aren’t paid by the state governments, no power supply, not infrastructure in place by the government for the youths to flourish. Cattle herders are killing at will, kidnappers are still very serious with their business. Is this our fate and destiny despite our faith? Where is humanity.

This is a country where the graduates have to settle for okada ridding, some are internet fraudsters/scammers, some are into robbery because this structure allows corruption. Its time to make a change and try something new. (c'est la vie).

I have heard some people who are so mischievous when it comes to analysis of the state of our nation despite the hardship in the land, they still praise their tormentors and blame the present on the past, I say ‘weh done Sir’.
People who visited ‘ordinary’ Ghana here told us that our nation is far from been called a village not to talk of been a country. Our people aren’t ready for the truth, they are cool with the situation (suffering and smiling).  These are the people who analyze political position of the country by religion of the people in power. They love to attack the messenger instead of the message. Ethnicity, religion and tribalism shouldn’t come in when it comes to political analysis of our nation. Are you saying this is our fate? Is this our destiny? Where is your humanity? (Fascist)

We’ve prayed enough because we have faith to change our fate to meet up with our destiny but nothing is working because dark forces of corruption are working against it. gods and ancestors have covered the progress of this country with black nylon because blood is flowing like a river in the land.

Until our youths begin to keep vigil for research and worship centers converted to warehouses, industries and schools, Nigeria will not develop.
We have people who can build warships, helicopters, weapons, machines and all that you can mention but there is nothing in place by our government to help the functioning mind of intellectual youths. This is not how we should continue. I have argued with people a lot that revolution shouldn't necessarily be by bloodshed, not at all. We should start telling the truth, recognize our differences, accept them, respect each other. That is where revolution should begin. We should strive for a common goal, embrace each other, accept and respect our differences. It shouldn’t be only sport that will unite us in time of hardship like this. Politicians have divided us but its time to sit up for the needful to be done.

Is it a sin to be born a Nigerian? Should I assume that its our destiny? What have we done to deserve this set of leaders?
People should endeavor to get their PVC from INEC. Don’t say because you know a particular person wouldn’t win that is why you won’t vote. Vote and if your candidate is rigged out, you will know and your mind will justify that. Its time to vote candidate, not political party.

Restructuring will solve at least 80% of our problems. State police alone will stop the killings. Youths would be employed and empowered and so on…

 ðŸŽ¤ The thing I get na him I dey chop o. When I no get, I no complain. The day I go die na him I dey wait for…
say na destiny or na bad luck o?

There is sense in every nonsense… (My preen)

Thanks for your time to read this.
